Android App (Beedroid)

The Beeminder Android app can show you your goals, let you enter data, and send you Android notification reminders. You can also set up widgets to get a quick view of your progress on your home screen.

How do I add data to my goal?

Tap the goal in your goal list to open it in the app. The data entry fields are on the bottom half of the new screen. Check that the date and value are correct — you can use the +/- stepper buttons to adjust by 1 unit per tap, or tap the fields to edit them directly. Add a comment if you want, then press Submit to send it to Beeminder! The graph image will refresh, and the bare minimums and color will update if they've changed.

Screenshot of the Android data entry page, showing the graph, a list of datapoints, and a data entry form at the bottom

The Android app also lets you submit data using an in-app timer or an in-app tally counter (especially helpful for Odometer goals). Swipe left or right on the data entry fields to switch entry methods.

If you always add the same amount, e.g. a +1 each time you go to the gym, you could even create a widget

What do the Android widgets do and how do I add one?

Screenshot demonstrating the two types of Android widgets you can use with Beedroid, a small square one which lets you add data with a single tap, and a large resizable one which allows you to see a list of your goals and when they're next due

There are two different widget options:

  • A smaller widget for any particular goal that displays the goal color, days until derailment, and amount needed to earn one more safe day
    • Tap the widget to open the goal in the Beeminder app
    • If you configure an Auto-fill value when adding the widget, the data entry field will be pre-populated with the value you selected when you tap the widget
  • A larger, scrollable widget that lists all your goals and their number of safe days, in order of decreasing urgency
    • Tap a goalname to open that goal in the Beeminder app
    • Tap the ♺ icon to sync the app with the Beeminder server
    • Checkmarks indicate that data has already been added to the goal today

You can add a widget by long pressing on your home screen, tapping on widgets, and scrolling to Beeminder in the list. You can also add a goal-specific widget by long-pressing on the name of the goal in your goal list, in the Beeminder app, or viewing your goal and then tapping the menu button followed by "Pin Widget".

Logging in via Github doesn't work!

Alas, we had to remove that option from the mobile apps for technical reasons (though we hope to add them back in a future release). But don't worry, you aren't stuck! You can add a password to your account via the web version, and then use your username and password to log into the app.

You can even set a password by using the "Forgot your password?" link, even if you didn't have a password set before.

Can I use the timer feature to submit minutes instead of hours?

Nope, right now it only submits hours. If you want to use it on a goal that's already using minutes, you can scale the units on the existing goal. We recommend always measuring time-based goals in hours and using the colon shortcut to enter, for example, 45 minutes as "0:45" which Beeminder interprets as 0.75. If this is really awkward and annoying, let us know!

How do I refresh my data in the app?

For goals and the goal list main screen, tap the ♺ icon to fetch the latest goal status from Beeminder. To fetch the latest data for an autodata-integrated goal, press the Fetch New Data button below the graph image on the goal screen.

My goals aren't updating / my data isn't being submitted to Beeminder

First, check that you're connected to the internet successfully. If you're using an app that disables WiFi or data after certain hours, it may be blocking your goal updates!

Last, you can check that your phone memory isn't full. On old versions of the app, running out of memory can prevent the app from syncing properly. (You might notice other apps mysteriously failing to sync as well, if this is the problem.)

If goal information is still not updating properly, contact support and we'll dig in with you!

How do I enable Android reminders?

Android reminders are now configured on our website, the same as all other reminders, so you can do it from your reminders page. To get there quickly from the app, tap on the menu at the top right, go into "Settings", and then pick "Configure reminders".

If you have those configured, but aren't receiving notifications, you may need to allow the Beeminder app to send notifications, via your Android settings.

My Android reminders don't seem to be working anymore

Since version 5.0, you'll need to open up the app at least once in order to get reminders set up, since we've changed how they work. Once you've opened the app, you can go into settings at the top right, and then to "Configure reminders". It'll take you to a page on the Beeminder web page where you can set which goals you want reminders for. Everything is now configured on Beeminder's server, like for email, Slack and iOS reminders, so that page will get you all set!

However, offline notifications are no longer supported due to changes in Android policy. We hung in there as long as we could, but the old method was resulting in some people getting almost no notifications due to Android suppressing them, and we're confident this is otherwise a really major improvement.

If that's all set up and you're still not receiving notifications, don't worry! We have a troubleshooting section in the app under Settings>Troubleshoot Notifications. Go through that checking that everything is allowed/enabled, and if none of that helps, you can use the option in settings to "Send Feedback". Check the box to include the diagnostic information, and we'll take a look to see if we can narrow down the problem!

Completed, archived, and/or deleted goals are showing in my goal list.

To refresh the goal list screen, tap the ♺ icon near the top right of the screen. If the offending goals don't disappear, you can force a brand new sync by signing out and back into the Beeminder app. Finally, if neither of those work, deleting and reinstalling the app should clear them out.

Keywords: Beedroid, Beeminder Android app, smartphone apps

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