Apps & API
API token
If you're interested in writing code or using code others have written to access the Beeminder API, you can generate (and regenerate, if necessary) your personal auth token here. See the API docs on authentication for more information!
If you have no idea what all this means, don't worry. This isn't something you need to use to just use Beeminder normally.
Beeminder can access
Beeminder can access some of your data from any services you've authorized in this list (with whatever permissions you set up during that authentication process). Each service is an autodata integration you use or have used in the past or an account you can use to log into Beeminder (like Facebook/Google).
You can remove authorization by clicking the garbage can icon to the right of each authorized service, and you can add authorization to any service (even if you are not currently using that data source for a goal) by clicking its name in the list below the list of authorized services.
If your autodata goal is showing you a No/expired authorization banner alert and refusing to fetch data, resetting the authorization on this page will likely fix the problem and get your goal working again! If not, you can contact support to help you get things sorted (this will be needed for Duolingo goals, for example, where we don't actually have authentication with the service).
Services that can access your Beeminder data
Any services in this list can access your Beeminder data, most often to submit data to your goals or to charge you money on beehalf of Beeminder. Some examples include:
- IFTTT (to submit data or charge you money, depending on the action you use)
- Intend (formerly Complice) (to submit data)
- GTBee (to charge you money)
- TaskRatchet (to submit data)
You can revoke access at any time, but those services will likely stop working as you'd originally intended!
Create an app
If you create an app yourself and give it access to your Beeminder data, it will be listed here. You can use the "Register a new app" button to add a new one.
To update or remove access from an app you created, click on its name to go to an edit page.
Keywords: authorized applications, accessing your beeswax