Goal types, goal lingo, how to translate a sentence into a Beeminder goal
- I need help and I can't find the answers here!
- What's the difference between the goal types?
- How many goals can I make for free? How do I get more?
- What is a group goal?
- Why can't I create a Do Less / Odometer / Whittle Down goal?
- What is "safety buffer" or leeway?
- Can I get rid of extra safety buffer?
- Can I put my goal on pause for a little bit?
- Can I schedule breaks on many goals at once?
- What if I only want to do my goal on weekdays?
- What if I only want to do something once a month?
- What happens when I reach my goal total / end date?
- My goal doesn't make any sense!
- Can I start my goal over?
- Can I restart an archived goal?
- What are the goal statistics?
- Do More Goals
- Do Less goals
- Pessimistic Presumptive Reports (PPRs)
- Odometer goals