What are the goal statistics?
The Statistics tab below the graph reports some basic facts about the goal and your progress so far. It's also a helpful place to quickly check goal parameters, like the goal's current end date and value, and the amount due over the coming days.
Amounts Due By Day
This table shows you exactly how much progress you need to make over the next 7 days of the goal (today included), giving both the delta (what needs to be added by a given day) and the total (the cumulative total you need to reach by a given day). This is helpful if you're trying to work ahead on the goal to earn some time off — the table will tell you exactly how much more you need to do in order to be safe, for each of the next 7 days.
As an example, the goal shown above is already safe through the 25th, as indicated by the checkmarks in the Delta column. 2 more minutes are needed to be safe through the 26th as well; once +2 is added, the next deadline will be the 27th. Once those extra 2 minutes are done, the goal will have +25 added since creation, as shown in the Total column.
Goal Progress
The goal progress is a quick view of where and when you started, where you're at today, and where and when your goal will end. The two gray/yellow bars below are a visual representation of the same information: the top bar shows your goal's progress towards completion by date, while the bottom shows it by unit. If you hover over the bar, it will show you the number of days on track/number of days to go, or the number of units entered and the number of units left to go.
The goal shown above began on 2014-10-05 and was scheduled to end on 2017-12-31. When the screenshot was taken, the goal had 843.8 units since it was created, and at the end date it should be at 1131. (Of course, if you change the goal in the meantime, that value will change too: the stats progress will automatically update, though you'll have to refresh to see the change!)
The progress of the top bar isn't necessarily correlated with the bottom bar. When a goal rate has accelerated, for example, you might quickly gain ground on the lower bar. It's all about progress relative to the end, and that ratio can look quite different between the two bars. It doesn't necessarily mean you're behind; the two bars just have different scales!
The Graph stats show a little bit of info about your current and historical goal rate. The goal's current daily rate and its weekly equivalent are shown, as well as the goal's average rate since it was created.
The Data stats do the same for your datapoints. 26 datapoints have been entered on this goal, with an average value of 1 per day (mean delta).
The 90% variance is a little more complicated. We also call this the "standard fluctuation". For goals with data that fluctuates around from day to day (think weight loss), this is like the yellow line on the train platform. If your values are this far away from your bright line (the edge of the safe area), then you are safe (well, with 90% probability) from a random fluctuation pushing you into the red. Technically, this is the 90% quantile of the rate-adjusted daily absolute variations in your data. E.g., if the delta between two consecutive days is equal to the delta of the bright red line itself, that’s a rate-adjusted delta of 0.
(And, yes, “90% variance” isn’t a thing. We mean variance as in how much your values vary, relative to the bright red line, day-to-day, in the 90% worst case.)
Keywords: stats tab, goal stats