What if I buy one premium plan and change my mind later?

If you want to cancel your plan, you can go to the premium page and select Downgrade under the Core Beeminder column to go back to the free plan. Features like autoratcheting and weekends off will no longer be available once the pay period expires and your account level steps down, but you'll keep any goals you've already created, with any custom settings (such as custom daily aggregation, or a change in the right side of the line) applied.

If you want to downgrade to a cheaper plan, or upgrade to a more expensive one, we’ve thought of and coded for a ton of corner cases and making your change via the subscription page should be sufficient. This should take into account what you've already paid for, and apply it towards the cost of the plan you're upgrading or downgrading to.

If you encounter any problems or have questions about what will happen, please contact support! We’ll make sure the exquisitely fair thing happens no matter what, and talk it over you to figure out what works. (The feedback is always much appreciated too!)

If you buy a longer plan, we automatically give you a discount in exchange for committing to that amount of time. Even so, if the plan isn't meeting expectations, talk to us and we'll be happy to figure out what's fair in that situation.

Keywords: changing premium plans, upgrading/downgrading premium, exquisite fairness

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