How do I update my payment information?

Visit the Payments page, linked in the top navigation dropdown.

If you need to update your payment information because it failed, but it was a temporary failure and the card should work now, then you can just use the option to retry the charges. This will clear the non-payment flag without requiring you to add a new card.

If you've already entered a card and want to change the info, press the Use a Different Payment button and follow the steps to add a new payment card.

When you add a new payment card, you'll get a chance to remove any charges that were non-legit, and the others will then go through immediately. Confirming your new card and paying the outstanding charges will clear the non-payment flag. The top of the modal will display the amount you're going to pay once you link your new card, and there are links on each charge to allow you to mark them as non-legit separately.

You can choose what payment type (Stripe vs Honey Money) to use as the default for all new charges by checking the Default button below it.

Keywords: updating your payment method, fixing an expired credit card, payment method failures, the unfortunately named deadbeat flag

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