iOS App Beta Testing

Sometimes we release preview versions of the Beeminder iOS app to beta testers, in order to get direct feedback and to find issues when our app is used on different devices or in different ways than in our internal testing.

Sign me up!

To join our beta group, get set up with TestFlight! Once you join, you'll be able to install beta versions as and when they're available. You can test things out and let us know when there are any problems. Keep in mind, though, that the beta versions we release really are focused on checking particular changes, and will not be as stable as the released version. This isn't just a way to opt into neat new features sooner than everyone else: things could be pretty broken!

Ahhh! This is horrible and I need to go back immediately!

According to Apple, you can opt out of testing the beta for a given app by visiting the app’s information page in TestFlight, and then tapping "Stop Testing".

I signed up for the beta and nothing happened!

We don't always have betas available, so if nothing changes, there's probably nothing available right now!

Keywords: BeemiOS, iOS app, beta testing

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