Can I schedule breaks on many goals at once?

Yep, at! It's very handy if you have a trip or something coming up and you won't be able to enter data on most of your goals.

For more details on setting breaks, see our other article on how to set a break on a single goal. All the same rules and caveats apply to setting breaks via this method.

On that page, you'll see a table like the following, populated with all your goals:

Screenshot of the megabreak page in action. At the top there's a section with "default break dates" which you can set to default the break option to the same dates. Below that, a list showing all shanaqui's goals, their current buffer, whether there's a cap set on their buffer, whether they have weekends off... and then a "schedule break" link that opens into a form to edit the break for that goal

You can click those column headers to sort your goals alphabetically or, more usefully, by how much safety buffer they have (or by how you've capped their safety buffers, if that matters for some reason).

If you want to set the same break for multiple goals, you can use the "Default break dates" fields at the top to set the start and end dates of your goals. These are inclusive. Then, to actually set the break, click on the "Schedule break" link beside each goal to open the option to edit that break. If all looks good, hit "Save", and your break is scheduled. You can also just click "Schedule break" on each one and then scroll to the bottom to use the "Save all breaks" button. As you go along, you can edit a different break into a specific range if you like, while you have that goal open.

Screenshot showing shanaqui setting a break from 2023-12-14 to 2023-12-21 by using the "Default break dates" and then opening up a specific goal and saving that break for that goal

On the same page, you can also change any caps you've put on your safety buffer, and check or uncheck the weekends-off option, if you have access to these features (which require a premium account of Bee Plus or Beemium level). Autoratchet shouldn't remove scheduled breaks, but if you might be adding data anyway, you might want to increase your allowed safety buffer just to be safe from unexpected changes.

There's a separate section at the bottom for Do Less goals. Setting breaks for these is a little more complex, so you may want to start by reading the help docs on how best to set breaks for Do Less goals.

You can pre-fill a specific date range by appending it to the URL, as well. For instance, to set breaks for the winter holidays from Dec 24 to Jan 1, the URL would be

Keywords: megabreak, breaks on everything all at once, pausing everything, pause all goals

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