Can I export my data?

Yup! You can find .csv and .tsv export links near the bottom of the Data tab below the graph, when you're logged in.

Screenshot showing the "Export Data" section, with the options to download CSV and TSV, or use the API

You can also export data using the datapoints endpoint of the Beeminder API, linked in the same spot. If you have a lot of datapoints in your goal, please be conservative using this so you don't slam our servers!

You can also provide a URL to which Beeminder will send POST requests anytime a new datapoint is added to the graph, if you want to maintain a live copy of your data. Add the URL to the Data Source setting under the Settings tab and hit Update Goal to save. This callback may fail silently; an occasional fetch of the all-datapoints endpoint mentioned above is a good idea to keep everything in sync.

How you might use the webhook feature:

  • Real-time PESOS
  • Use data added to one Beeminder goal to automatically update a second (which is now an official integration: check out Metaminder!)

Keywords: data export, metaminding, mirroring your data

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