Can I limit how high my pledge gets?

Yes, you can! You can set a pledge cap on each goal when you create it and adjust it at any time, and you can have different pledge caps on different goals. You can also set a default pledge cap for all your new goals to adhere to.

For example, normally if I derailed at $90, the pledge would automatically increase to the next step in the pledge schedule which is $270. But if I cap it at $90 it will stay at $90 and all subsequent derailments will cost... you guessed it! $90.

Because this is a per-goal setting, I can have a different goal where the cap is $30, and the pledge would increase until it gets to that level when I derailed on that goal. You can (and should!) choose a pledge cap appropriate to the importance of the goal in question.

To change the cap after goal creation, click the pledge amount in the top line on the goal page to bring up the pledge settings. To set the pledge cap, pick the level you want to be the highest pledge you can pay using the +/- stepper buttons. Click Update to save changes.

The adjust pledge modal, where you can see your current pledge and pledge cap, and make changes to them

You cannot select a pledge cap lower than the goal's current pledge. If you want to do this, first step down the current pledge to that amount or lower, and then the desired pledge cap value will become available.

A note of caution! Be careful not to cap your pledge too low. I know, I know, it seems like we would encourage you to go high... but actually, it's in your interest to make sure your pledge gets set at a level that's motivating for you. If it's too low, you could end up paying more in the long run because you repeatedly derail. So make sure you're set up for success and have a pledge level that's motivating for you, i.e. something that might mean you have to choose between keeping your goal on track or not being able to get takeout, or having to defer getting a shiny new thing for your hobby or going out to the cinema (or whatever optional thing you like to spend your money on).

Keywords: pledge caps, pledge ceiling, highest possible amount at risk

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