Boss as a Service (BaaS)

Ever noticed that it's hard to get stuff done when you're not accountable to someone? And it's way easier to get work stuff done when you have your boss breathing down your neck? Boss as a Service provides that kind of accountability for whatever kind of quantifiable goal you like, even non-work tasks, and they've partnered with Beeminder to provide some extra sting for those who are interested in having something at stake.

What can I beemind with Boss as a Service?

Anything you need accountability to get done! You can agree with your Boss how you're going to use Beeminder goals to track your to-dos, and how they're going to hold you accountable.

How does it work?

First, you need to sign up with Boss as a Service.
Once you've got on board with them, set up a goal on Beeminder for something you want to track, and send your Boss the link. You could set up a Do More goal for working out, for example: each time you send your Boss proof you've been working out, they'll submit a datapoint to Beeminder for that goal for you.
You won't have to worry about adding data yourself, and you'll have to provide proof of completion in order for them to add data, so it's a great way to create extra accountability around something you find difficult.

What happens if I derail on a BaaS-linked goal and it's non-legit?

Unless you're in No-Excuses Mode, we just take your word for it when you call non-legit, so you can reply to the legitimacy check email to explain what happened, and we'll sort it out from there.
If you're in No-Excuses Mode, however, then it's always legit. The only reason for us to cancel the charge would be if there was a mix-up about data entry that was your Boss' fault, or something went wrong. In that case, please ask your Boss to get in touch with us and explain what happened.
You don't need to! Just let them know the URL of your goal, and they can do the rest. If you've set your goal to be private, they won't be able to see your graph, but they can still add data.

Can I use a Do Less goal with BaaS?

Absolutely! Just make sure you turn off Pessimistic Presumptive Datapoints, because your boss will only send data to your goal when you fail (while PPRs assume you're going to add data every day).

More details in the blog post announcing the integration.

Keywords: accountability, autodata integrations, productivity

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